Many people selling cheap China mp4 players on e-bay! Even if seller is from US or Australia you will get it shipped from Hong Kong (seller are most dropshipper)! At the first you must look the seller reputation (must be power seller, because if something goes wrong He will do anything to not get negative feedback)!
Most of those mp4 players are copy of Apple prodcts, but a long way from Apple quality! If you will buy, then select at least 3nd generation of players or 4nd genereation! They have at least good menu (1st and 2nd generation menu is the worst thing you can get it, it's rely hard to operate with those menues)!
Even good seller can have items with fake memory! They can 512MB explore when you connetct to PC to 4G! So when you will recived item you must at the first format the disc(you will not lose any data(only a demo songs), but then will be no problems with player in future! If you already have some of those players and have problems with it, then you must format the disc and it will work O.K.!
But the first, before buying those players check the shop at the end of this post, you will see the cheap and quality product!
Focal Price
Slovensko dopolnilo:
Tudi pri nas je zadnje čase opaziti prodajo no name znamk, ki so podobne kvalitete kot opisani izdelki, vendar bistveno dražji! Edina dobra stvar je garancija(saj ga itak zamenjajo), tudi na bolhi se prodaja veliko predvajalnikov kupljenih na zgoraj omenjen način, zato svetujem previdnost ali pa lasten nakup(ki vas za kakšne 4G mp4 player ne bo stal več kot 20€, vključno s poštnimi stroški)!
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