Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It's just amazing! New from Segon company: Segon Turbo Flash Drive! Do you have slow PC with not enought RAM memory! Now It's aviable for a just low costs ($12 for 2G and $20 for 4G)! So what we got for a couple bucks? :
The same appearance as DDR RAM, but more ingenious and exquisite, the special mini size makes it easy to carry. Supporting Windows Ready boost improve the overall performance results. Non- cover, but the USB push-pull design technology, not only play a role in the protection, but also make "Turbo " easy to plug-and-play for data transfer and storage. This is a carry-on "memory" and give you the most shocking and cool experience.


  • New Packaging Technology
    Use patent package to reduce the loss rate in products and improve the serviceability ratio, make your data more security.

  • Support Windows Ready boost
    Support Windows Ready boost, enhance system speed.

  • Supply Segon Utility software
    1. Partition & Security Manager
    2. Boot Manager
    3. Flash Mail Manager
    4. PC Lock Manager
    5. Bookmark Manager
    6. Security Folder
  • USB Brando store

    Slovensko dopolnilo:
    Pri nas zaenkrat v naših trgovinah tega izdelka še ni zaslediti, zato tudi cen ne morem primerjati! Zadeva je dokaj nova in poceni, naročilo preko spletne trgovine je varno in zanesljivo, predvsem če plačate s PayPal-om! Če potrebujete kakšen nasvet ali pomoč me lahko knotaktirate!

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